qathet, BC – The qathet Regional District (qRD) regrets to announce that our special license to collect Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional (ICI) packaging and paper products (PPP) recycling at the Town Centre Depot has been discontinued. Starting August 1st, 2024, the Town Centre Depot will only accept residential PPP recycling. In the short term, this means that many paper, plastic, foam, and glass items businesses are used to recycling must go in the garbage.
Recycle BC is tasked by the provincial Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy to manage and regulate residential recycling programs throughout the province. Out of Recycle BC’s over 200 depots, only six are operating with special permission to include ICI recycling, which until recently included the Town Centre Depot. Recycle BC recently notified the qRD that this permission would be revoked, as ICI recycling falls outside of the scope of their mandate.
“While it might seem strange, recycling from businesses is managed differently than recycling from homes, even if it is the same material. For now, businesses are encouraged to continue recycling products through the programs that are still available in our region,” said Manager of Environmental Services, Jason Kouwenhoven. “Businesses continue to have access to recycling programs for: organics, corrugated cardboard, refundable containers, used oil, electronics, batteries, lightbulbs, appliances, metal, tires and paint.”
More detailed information on where these materials can be recycled is available at: qathet.ca/recycling
The qRD is encouraging businesses and impacted individuals to reach out to the Premier, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, and local MLA Nicholas Simons to express their concerns with this service change, and ask for a new ICI recycling program. The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy is asking for ideas on how to handle business recycling. You can share your thoughts through Engage BC until July 23, 2024.
“Like you, we are extremely disappointed that we could not continue our special license to offer this valued service, and recognize the importance of including ICI recyclables in our recycling programs,” said Regional District Board Chair, Clay Brander. “We want everyone to know that the qRD tried its best to keep ICI recycling as part of our Recycle BC program. The qRD is continuing to research and bring commercial ICI recycling options back to our region, and we encourage those affected to share your concerns about the lack of equitable and affordable ICI recycling programs with the Province, especially in remote, isolated, and ferry dependent communities like ours.”
About the qathet Regional District:
The qathet Regional District serves the rural areas from Lund to sḵelhp (Saltery Bay), the City of Powell River, Texada Island, Savary Island, and Lasqueti Island. The qRD provides some services, through contract, to Tla’amin Nation. To learn more please visit qathet.ca.
Jason Kouwenhoven, Manager of Environmental Services
#202 – 4675 Marine Avenue
Powell River, BC V8A 2L2
P: 604∙485∙2260 | E: administration@qathet.ca