The new Forest Operations Map online portal will act as an online resource for the public to review and comment on proposed cutblocks and forestry roads throughout B.C. This update was one part of the amendments made to the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) to improve forest and range operational planning and practices.
The portal will allow greater public input on forestry activities, as well as greater transparency about forestry proposals within the province and what those proposed activities would entail, including roads, mapped areas of harvest and estimated time of harvest. Under the new system, the public can submit comments online.
Forest Operations Maps must include the following elements:
- a map that includes general geographic area with the approximate location of proposed cutblocks and roads;
- approximate periods during which timber harvesting or road construction is intended to take place;
- identification of the Forest Stewardship Plan holder who prepared the map; and
- identification of the Forest Stewardship Plan to which the map pertains.
Previously, the public primarily learned about proposed cutblocks and roads in the local newspaper or in-person at district forestry offices, and then submitted comments by email or regular mail. While these options will remain, participating forestry companies will also have their projects available for comment through the portal.
The online portal was developed with input and in collaboration with forest tenure holders as well as industry professionals and stakeholder groups. While providing Forest Operations Maps to the online portal is voluntary at this time, the majority of forestry companies in B.C. have committed to the project and there are already more than 1,000 users.
Learn More:
To see the Forest Operations Map online portal, visit: https://fom.nrs.gov.bc.ca/public/projects
To find out about online training for using the portal, visit: https://bcgov.github.io/forestry-digital-services/assets/training/FOMpublic/index.html# (can01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com)
To learn more about amendments to the Forest and Range Practices Act, visit: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/laws-policies-standards-guidance/legislation-regulation/forest-range-practices-act/frpa-improvement-initiative
Ministry of Forests
Media Relations
250 896-7359