BC Transit Update: Ice and Snow conditions on the roads may impact the ability to provide planned Transit service. BC Transit apologizes for any inconveniences. Please refer to BCTransit.com or the UMO app for more information on service interruptions, route restrictions, suspensions, and cancellations.
Regional FireSmart Program

Wildfires have been a natural part of our coastal forest environment for thousands of years. Building our homes in the interface with forested areas increases the risk from wildfires. With proper planning it is possible to reduce the interface fire risk by following some simple FireSmart principles. You can get FireSmart advice from the qRD’s Regional FireSmart Program. Book a free FireSmart assessment and get started!


How to FireSmart your Home with Regional FireSmart Coordinator, Marc Albert


FireSmart Resources
Building a new home? Check out FireSmart Begins at Home: This links to a great manual that every property owner should read.
Community Wildfire Protection Planning

View the Savary Island and mainland Community Wildfire Protection Plans below.