Fire Chief: Chris Philpott
Main Fire Hall Location: 1847 Savary Island Road, Savary Island, BC
Fire Hall 2 East Location: 2856 Vancouver Blvd, Savary Island, BC
Fire Hall 3 West Location: 1134 Vancouver Blvd, Savary Island, BC
Mailing Address: PO Box 79, Lund, BC V0N 2G0
Email the Fire Chief: sivfdchief@qathet.ca
Outdoor fires, including campfires and burn piles, are regulated by the Savary Island Outdoor Fire Control Bylaw No. 549.
In 2017, through dedication and training in the SIVFD, volunteers were able to achieve improved insurance grading for all properties on Savary Island.
In the event of a fire, time is critical. A fire extinguisher can deal with many small fire incidents before they become big ones. Know where your fire extinguisher is and ensure that it is in working condition.