RRC Site
Resource Recovery Centre

qathet Regional District (qRD) and the Resource Recovery Centre project were featured on CBC Radio, qathet Living Magazine and by the Recycling Council of British Columbia. The Regional District was honored to receive a UBCM Community Excellence Award in asset management for incorporating the use of natural asset solutions into the project.


View the History of the Resource Recovery Centre report to learn more about the site reclamation and the development of the Resource Recovery Centre.


The Resource Recovery Centre project is currently in Phase III. Check out this video introducing the features of the future Resource Recovery Centre site.



Check out this video featuring qathet Regional District’s innovative natural asset solutions, vegetative enhancements and the repurposing of waste materials at the Resource Recovery Centre site.



Check out these videos featuring the final works performed during Phase II of the Resource Recovery Centre project and qathet Regional District’s innovative solution to storm water runoff at the Resource Recovery Centre Site.




The closure of the Marine Avenue Old Incinerator Site and the build out of a state-of-the-art Resource Recovery Centre and Transfer Station are key components in the region’s Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP). The Resource Recovery Centre and Transfer Station at the site will bring our region closer to Zero Waste. Approximately 8 acres of land adjoining the Resource Recovery Centre site will be available for public amenity/uses limited to parking, active transportation corridor (trails) and botanical garden/s. For more information regarding any one of these opportunities, please contact the City planning department at 604 485-6291. Please note that the Resource Recovery Centre site and adjoining land is closed to the public. Any questions should be directed to capitalassets@qathet.ca.



This project is being conducted in three separate phases with environmental monitoring of ground and surface water ongoing.


Phase III is the design and construction phase of the Resource Recovery Centre. The site and facility designs are complete and construction is underway. Check out this article regarding the Phase III work in the PR PEAK entitled qathet Regional District’s solid waste site taking shape.

The qRD has engaged MKM Projects to manage the project beginning with on-site civil works (water, wastewater, and stormwater management), the installation of power and the construction of a new access road.


Construction of New Site Access Road


Installation of Watermain


The qRD and its contractors have sourced goods, supplies and services locally when possible. Materials including sand, gravel and other fill materials are being reused onsite, resulting in cost savings and greenhouse gas emission reductions for the region. Civil works are scheduled for completion in 2023. The construction of the reuse and recycling building, scale house, education centre, site office and enclosed transfer station is scheduled for completion in 2024.


Phase II of the project was the closure of the incinerator ash landfill site which included the excavation of buried materials as well as the completion of the earthworks for the new Resource Recovery Centre facility. This work was completed in December, 2020. Check out this article regarding the Phase II work in the PR PEAK entitled Resource Recovery Centre in Powell River Enters Second Phase. View the video below documenting the work performed as part of Phase II.



Phase I of the Resource Recovery Centre project was completed in May of 2020, one week ahead of schedule and significantly under budget. This initial site cleanup phase included the sorting and processing of materials stockpiled at the site such as tires, glass, asphalt and wood waste. Check out these articles regarding the Phase I work in the PR PEAK entitled Resource-recovery centre takes shape in Powell River and Video: Phase one of resource-recovery centre in Powell River comes in under budget. View the video below documenting the work performed as part of Phase I.



Individuals, groups, organizations, or companies interested in sharing their ideas for diverting waste materials through the Resource Recovery Centre site (wood waste, glass, rubble, fabrics, furniture, etc.) can contact the qathet Regional District at administration@qathet.ca or call 604.485.2260.