The Resource Recovery Centre is open Monday to Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To access the facility, please enter via Marine Avenue between Willingdon Beach Campground and Brooks Secondary School. The site address is 4924 Marine Avenue, Powell River, B.C.
- Cash payments are now accepted at the Resource Recovery Centre.
- The Ocean Plastics Recycling Depot is now open at the Resource Recovery Centre.
The RRC is only accepting Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). In the qathet Regional District, MSW includes garbage from all households and businesses in the region. MSW is material destined for the landfill and does not include:
construction & demolition waste, hazardous waste, recyclable materials, or compostable materials.
Until services are expanded at the Resource Recovery Centre, all other materials including construction & demolition waste, land clearing debris, asbestos, and scrap metal will continue to go to Augusta Recyclers. Compostable yard and garden waste will continue to go to Sunshine Disposal and Recycling. Stay tuned for more details about the gradual opening of the Resource Recovery Centre.
Please check back for regular updates.
Jason Kouwenhoven, Manager of Environmental Services
qathet Regional District
#202 – 4675 Marine Avenue
Powell River, BC V8A 2L2
T. 604.485.2260
E: JKouwenhoven@qathet.ca
View Resource Recovery Centre local media coverage in the Peak Newspaper.
qathet Regional District (qRD) and the Resource Recovery Centre project were featured on CBC Radio, qathet Living Magazine and by the Recycling Council of British Columbia. The Regional District was honored to receive a UBCM Community Excellence Award in asset management for incorporating the use of natural asset solutions into the project.
View the History of the Resource Recovery Centre report to learn more about the site reclamation and the development of the Resource Recovery Centre. The Resource Recovery Centre project is currently in Phase III.
The closure of the Marine Avenue Old Incinerator Site and the build out of a state-of-the-art Resource Recovery Centre and Transfer Station are key components in the region’s Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP).
Individuals, groups, organizations, or companies interested in sharing their ideas for diverting waste materials through the Resource Recovery Centre site (wood waste, glass, rubble, fabrics, furniture, etc.) can contact the qathet Regional District at administration@qathet.ca or call 604-485-2260.