2025 Budget

Every year, the qRD creates a Five-Year Financial Plan to ensure the provision of services and programs now and in the future. The Strategic Plan, Electoral Area Official Community Plans, work plans, input from advisory committees, Directors and Staff, feedback from community groups and the public all contribute toward development of the Financial Plan.


In line with our organization’s fiscal responsibility and financial stability goals, our financial planning processes are designed to reduce the risk of significant fluctuations in taxation levels from year to year.



The public is encouraged to attend any of the upcoming budget meetings from December 2024 to February 2025 and provide feedback on th 2025 Budget and Five-Year Financial Plan. A detailed timeline of upcoming budget meetings is available on this page.


Should you have any questions about the current or proposed financial plan please submit them to finance@qathet.ca, or call Linda Greenan, Manager of Financial Services at 604-485-2260.


Five-Year Financial Plan Adoption Schedule

Activity  Date Location
Fee Changes November 6, 2024 Finance Committee, qRD Board Room and Virtual
Draft 1 December 4, 2024 Finance Committee, qRD Board Room and Virtual
Draft 2 January, 2025 Finance Committee, qRD Board Room and Virtual
Draft 3 (Final) February, 2025 Finance Committee, qRD Board Room and Virtual
Adoption February, 2025 Finance Committee, qRD Board Room and Virtual
Reports and Draft Plans


For more information, please contact the Finance Department at finance@qathet.ca, or call 604-485-2260.