Parks & Recreation

qathet Regional District manages 10 regional parks, 22 beach access sites, and a few small recreation facilities. These parks and facilities are located on lands that are owned by the regional district or leased from the province. The parks and beach access sites are a region-wide service financed by taxes from all members of the regional district. The recreation facilities are local area services financed by taxes from specific areas. qathet Regional District does not offer recreation programming or operate any large recreation centres.


Our regional district takes a long-term planning approach to protecting sensitive ecosystems and maintaining recreation areas in our region. In 2023 the Regional Board adopted the qathet Regional District Parks and Trails Strategy 2023-2033. The Strategy will guide the development, operation, management, and acquisition of regional parks and trails over the next 10 years.


Other reports related to parks and recreation include the: Regional Trails Plan, Expanded Regional Recreation Initiative Study, Powell River Regional District Recreation Initiative, and Parks and Greenspace Plan.