
Accessibility Plan

The qathet Regional District, City of Powell River, and Powell River Public Library worked together to develop the 2024-2026 Accessibility Plan that will guide our organizations in identifying, removing, and preventing barriers to our organizations over the next three years.


The Plan identifies priority actions we can take to improve accessibility in six areas of focus:

  • Built Environment
  • Services and Programs
  • Information and Communications
  • Customer Service
  • Employment and Staff Engagement
  • Governance and Policies

The Accessibility Plan was developed with input from the Joint Accessibility & Inclusion Advisory Committee. The Plan also considers the principles of inclusion, adaptability, diversity, collaboration, self-determination, and universal design.


Title page from Accessibility Plan 2024-2026


Joint Accessibility & Inclusion Advisory Committee

The Joint Accessibility & Inclusion Advisory Committee assists the City of Powell River, Powell River Public Library, and qathet Regional District (the Partner Organizations) to identify, remove, and prevent barriers experienced by persons with disabilities per the legislated requirements for prescribed organizations under the Accessible British Columbia Act and Regulation.


Committee Members
Chair: Tabatha Berggren
Vice Chair: David Hodgins
Voting Members: William Langlands, Michael Matthews, Miranda Nelson, Corinna Curtis, Meriko Kubota
Staff Representatives: Cherise Roberts, qathet Regional District, Special Projects Coordinator; Jessica Lefort, City of Powell River, Deputy Corporate Officer; and Rebecca Burbank, Powell River Public Library, Chief Librarian



Next Meeting
Date: July 19, 2024
Time: 9:30-11:00am
Location: qathet Regional District Boardroom (103-4675 Marine Avenue)


If you would like to address the Joint Accessibility & Inclusion Advisory Committee at one of their upcoming meetings, please contact Cherise Roberts, Special Projects Coordinator, by calling 604-485-2260 or emailing


Terms of Reference
For more information on Committee membership, terms and procedures, read or download the Terms of Reference.


Accessibility Feedback

If you or someone you know has experienced a barrier while trying to access our buildings, parks, services, communications, etc., we want to know! Click the link below to find out how to share your experience with us.




Impairment means a physical, sensory, mental, intellectual or cognitive impairment, whether permanent, temporary or episodic.


Barrier means anything that hinders the full and equal participation in society of a person with an impairment.


Disability means an inability to participate fully and equally in society as a result of the interaction of an impairment and a barrier.